My allergies have been craaaaaaaaaay-zaaaaaay these past couple of days. What's weird is that I always want to eat a chit-load of food when I'm all allergy-ridden. Well... I always want to eat a chit-load of food when I'm not allergy-ridden too. *le sigh*
My mom was visiting last week and we decided to re-re-re join Weight Watchers. Although this is my ump-teenth time joining, I always end up losing weight so, for me, it's worth it. I think a lot of people have misconceptions about what Weight Watchers (or as I call it, Wuh-Wuh) is about. You don't have to buy WW food or weigh-in in public. For the most part, WW teaches you how to eat healthier.
All calories are not equal. Weight Watchers knows this, but it's constantly struggling to get us fatties to know it as well. Many years ago they had the Core program, which was bad ass. It's now called Simply Filling, but back in the day it was an entire program unto itself. It should have been called the Whole Foods program because that's what it was essentially made up of: fruits, veggies, lean meats, dairy (bluah), whole grains... yadda yadda. The only issue I have with the Core/Simply Filling plan is that it's not entirely free of processed food. Evidently there are some trigger foods that we voluptuous chickies can't eat in moderation so they've limited dairy to the fat-free variety. They've also removed avocado and olives from the
So, I'm choosing to do a modified Core/Simply Filling program. I said it. I'munna do it. While the wonderful thing about SF is that you don't have to track, I'm going to. Now I feel like I'm rambling. Prolly 'cause I am. But, you know what? I can do it if I want to. It's my prerogative, I can do what-I-wanna-deeew. It's my prerogative, I can live my liiIiiIiiIiife.
Fun fact: "perogative" has an extra "r" in it. Bobby Brown, you sonofabitch, you need to learn to ENUNCIATE!