Holy crap, wait till I drop a few sizes and get a YOGA MAT! Woo hoooo! My shit will not stink then. I've already got the huge LA sunglasses. THE SUPER COOL TRIFECTA!!! I'll be a star! A star, I tell ya!
But I digress...
This journal entry is all about my most beloved water bottle evar: the Cool Gear Infusion. 54 luscious ounces of crisp, clean wah-wah. This bad boy is badass. It's got a big handle and a spout that doesn't spit at you when you're opening it or sucking on the straw. It also comes with a removable freezer thingy that keeps your water cold without adding ice. I don't use it 'cause it takes away precious water space. Right now it's on sale at Target for less than $7! Say what?!
What does this all mean? Why would I want such a frick'n huge water bottle? Well, I'll tell yah. Fitty fo' ounces, my friends. We're supposed to have at least 64 ounces each day, I just have to have this one jug and I'm almost done! Two and I. Am. Set.
As a
Ah, but I will be sad in a little over a week when I have to give up my trusty friend, for a non-straw (*coughinferiorcough*) regular glass. For the straws are a no-no with the gastrectomy patients. My wee banana pouchling will not be able to handle the additional air that comes with my suckling of the straw. Oh cruel fate...