Friday, March 28, 2014

Hi My Name is FBC... And I Am a Water Bottle Addict.

There's just something about a new water bottle that gets me so frick'n excited. Maybe it's because I feel like a super healthy person just carrying it around. In my head, when people see me, they're like, "Man, that chick's got it goin' on. She's so hydrated and Earth conscious. No throw away cups for this gal. If only I were cool enough to be that girl's friend."

Holy crap, wait till I drop a few sizes and get a YOGA MAT! Woo hoooo! My shit will not stink then. I've already got the huge LA sunglasses. THE SUPER COOL TRIFECTA!!! I'll be a star! A star, I tell ya!

But I digress...

This journal entry is all about my most beloved water bottle evar: the Cool Gear Infusion. 54 luscious ounces of crisp, clean wah-wah. This bad boy is badass. It's got a big handle and a spout that doesn't spit at you when you're opening it or sucking on the straw. It also comes with a removable freezer thingy that keeps your water cold without adding ice. I don't use it 'cause it takes away precious water space. Right now it's on sale at Target for less than $7! Say what?!

What does this all mean? Why would I want such a frick'n huge water bottle? Well, I'll tell yah. Fitty fo' ounces, my friends. We're supposed to have at least 64 ounces each day, I just have to have this one jug and I'm almost done! Two and I. Am. Set.

As a lazy person of not-wanting-to-movedness, this prevents me from having to make the 3 foot trek from the couch to the water dispenser. I find that I drink a lot more water 'cause it's just sitting there, staring at me. While it's kind a pain to travel with (it doesn't fit in cup holders and doesn't like staying still on the floorboard), it's nice to have on the road. You're always comforted in the knowledge that you could keep your loved ones, as well as a small family of badgers, hydrated if you got stuck on the side of the road.

Ah, but I will be sad in a little over a week when I have to give up my trusty friend, for a non-straw (*coughinferiorcough*) regular glass. For the straws are a no-no with the gastrectomy patients. My wee banana pouchling will not be able to handle the additional air that comes with my suckling of the straw. Oh cruel fate...