I survived. And I filmed the entire thing. I haven't yet taken a look at it, but I'm sure it'll be AMAZING for a good, hearty laugh. My hope is that by the end of the process I'll be able to look back at my flabbier self, point, and laugh.
Overall, I'm loving the new P90 series. I like the A, B, and C series breakdowns. The beginner level, A, is nice and easy for beginners such as myself. I didn't ever feel like I was going to die, but I felt like I had a great workout and that the entire thing was doable. There were a lot of times when I lamented that I had the coordination of a drunk monkey and I had to stop/modify the exercises more than I liked, but I'm pleased with Sweat A. M'yes, pleased. *inward hand waiving like the Queen Mum*
They've updated the Ab Ripper portion too. I like it a lot. I'm not sure about the, what I like to refer to as the "Unstable Tamale," ab exercise. It's the second one and I'm not sure I'm doing it right. I feel like a little kid wrapped up like a tamale, screaming for help, while she's flopping back and forth. Not suave or sexy in the least.
Afterwards, I decided to test out the Shakeology Chocolate shake. They send you a 7-day sample pack in addition to some shake recipes. I chose to do the Chocolate-Covered Strawberries, which was 2 scoops of the shake powder, 1 cup of (frozen) strawberries, and 1 cup water.
The shake blended beautifully - it looked really creamy and smelled pretty good. I actually filmed my first taste (which I'll include here once I upload it). It was very good, but something in it tasted tart. Not sure if it was the strawberries or something else.
Unfortunately, within the hour I started having tummy rumblings and for the past 1/2 hour, gastric distress (to put it in a lady-like way). Aaaaaaand, upon looking it up right now on the interwebs, it looks like it's a common occurrence. Not saying that everyone will have the same reaction, I know that sometimes I'm a bit sensitive to stuff. BUT HEY, it ain't all bad; if you're constipated, Shakeology could help you out! Lemons: lemonade.