Friday, January 17, 2014

My Fitness Pal & Fitbit.

Went to another WLS surgery meeting last night and the nutritionist mentioned journaling/tracking our food. I've been a member of My Fitness Pal for eons, but she also brought up SparkPeople. I have some friends who have used the site and thought to myself, "Why the hell not?"

My god man. Dude (yah, I called you a dude), talk about a website for people with short attention spans. There were SO MANY THINGS going on with that site, I got a headache within minutes. I started an account and when I attempted to link all of my gadgets, there were issues. I already have enough issues. Pft. It was having problems linking to my Withings scale (*coughfirstworldproblemscough*). I ended up just cancelling my account and returning to the less-glitchy MFP.

So, I'm on MFP. Find me. Friend me. Username, strangely enough, is FatBrownChick:

I'm also on Fitbit, which is an AWESOME site because, like MFP, it consolidates all of your data and you can track your sleep and all kinds of kooky things. You also get to trash talk your friends (which is really what it's all about). While you're at it, friend me on Fitbit too!!

Just joined a Fitbit Sleeve group, so if you're planning on gett'n it done and have a fitbit, come tell me about yourself and befriend me so I can make fun of how little you're walking. :D

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Sweet Pain.

Hurts so good.
Kristen Cruz's "Food Addiction"
I am an addict.

I can't help myself. Even though it's slowly killing me, I cannot stop. I don't know if there's more or less of a self-awareness with other forms of addiction. I'm seeing a therapist and am trying to figure out why I'm doing this to myself.

I know when I put "bad" foods into my mouth that it's not good for me, but fuck, it just tastes and feels sooooo goddamn good. The sedative effect that it has on my body... I swear to gahd it gives me a post-coital glow. After a large #1 from Carl's Junior (with a mini chocolate cake for dessert), I will literally lay back and revel in food-coma bliss. My pain subsides, my mood calms, for a brief period of time, there are no worries.

Fucked up, right?  Mmmm, this post is making me hungry... and horny.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Yoga for Fat Chicks.

I can't remember if I've written about this before, but one day I'd like to be a badass yoga person (Yogi? Tee hee... eh eh Boo Boo!). I mean come on, check this lady out. Seriously. When I look at this photo I can't help but think that this chick is happy, healthy, and totally centered (not just physically. Heh heh heh.).

I just ordered a few Yoga for Gimpy-Type-People DVDs through the library. I'm getting Yoga: Just My Size With Megan Garcia. I like it 'cause there's a fluffy gal on the cover. You can't go wrong with that. I also got a couple by Peggy Cappy. She does a lot of videos for the less physically inclined.

Oh crap, I found more Yoga for ladies with curves on this site: If you're super gimpy, I highly recommend the "Chair Dancing" series, such as the Chair Yoga. You are probably thinking that you can't get much of a workout if you're chair-bound, but this stuff will get you sweating!!!

I can't wait till the videos come in. Well, yes I can. I'm excited about the idea of me doing yoga, but if you said, "Hey FBC, I've got a fabulous easy peasy yoga video right here in my hot little hands." I'd probably throw something at you and hobble away as fast as my wee chubby legs could take me.

My goal is to go from this --> to the photo on top.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Vintage Trouble.

I was just watching Hulu and this Honda commercial for the new Civic just came on. There's nothing too spectacular about the commercial in general, except for the band that plays the background song. They're called Vintage Trouble and first off, they're just cool looking. See for yourselves, take a look over there -->

Amirite?! Like they're the type of people that you want to be friends with, the kind who would give you major hipster street cred. So the commercial starts out with Ty Taylor (as I now know, since I've been doing a little behind the scenes stalking), chill'n on a stool while growling, "Today... the world is pretty sad." I dunno, there's just something about him and his voice that's just so cool.

"Today is Pretty Great"

He reminds me a lot of Al Green and a better Lenny Kravitz. I grew up listening to Motown and Ty Taylor sounds like he came from that era. Here they are playing live for a radio station.

See what I mean?

What does this have to do with losing weight or lupus? Nothing. But this is my blog and you're not the boss of me or my body.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Incredible Shrinking Woman.

When I was being measured yesterday, the nurse repeated my height as she entered it into the computer. 5' 2 1/2". What? I asked, silently lamenting the crack addiction that she must be suffering with. She double checked and said, that yes, I was in fact a tiny midget. She then went back in the annals (*snicker, annals*) of her computer and found that when I was there 2 years ago I was the same height.

SAY WHAT?! As far as I've known, I've been 5' 3 3/4" since I was in high school. WTF, man? How could I have shrunk so much? I'm not in my 70's where that kind of shit is expected! I need to do some research. Can it possibly be because I have so much weight on my beautiful body? Does obesity, like cold air, cause shrinkage?

Let me see if I can find anything on the interwebs... brb.

What I'm gleaning is that the excess weight can cause spine compression and poor posture which can lead to a decrease in height. Sonofabitch. So, now I need to get one of those upside down bat hangy things that RICHARD GERE HAD IN AMERICAN GIGOLO!!! Woah, I was just referencing that movie yesterday.

Oh Richie... I'll be your gerbil any day.

Friday, January 10, 2014

6-Month Sentence & The Return of Lucy Liu.

A couple years ago I toyed with the idea of getting a sleeve gastrectomy, which I eventually decided against. During that time, though, I met up with a terrifying (yet titillating) nutritionist who I like to refer to as Lucy Liu. Or is it whom... who, whom I like to... grammar, ye are a finicky she-beast.

Anywhoosies, I decided that I needed to get the surgery done and today returned to the Weight Loss Center. I'm super excited to get 'er done and everything was going along swimmingly until I found out that my insurance needs proof of a 6-month medically supervised diet. SAY WHAAAAT? Now don't get me wrong, I'm pleased as punch that my insurance actually covers the procedure, however, it just seems so uncool that they have this caveat in place.

I mean seriously, how many "ladies of a certain age," such as myself, get to this point without having tried a ZILLION different diets/potions/lifestyle changes/hypnotists? I'd say less than 1%. So that means that the insurance company is making the rest of us wait an additional 6 months for, really, nothing. During that time, our type are not like, "Whoa! I'm really glad I had this time to lose this 5 lbs, be super frustrated, and potentially fuck my body up more with all the pleasantries that come with being morbidly obese."

Bom chicka bow wowAnd what if, in the meantime, I end up stroke'n out, dying of sleep apnea, my heart explodes, or a zillion other things? I'm fucked. And if we lose our insurance before I finish the 6 months? I'm fucked. Yes, I know that no one did this to me, I'm the one who made the decision to go to Carl's Jr instead of Salads R Us; but, fuck. Come on insurance. Why you gotta dangle the chocolate carrot in front of a sista' like that?!!!!

Hubby said he would call on Monday and see if there's any way around the 6-month policy. I suggested that he give up his body for them to use with it as they will. I'm not sure he's going to go along with that plan, but he needs to suck it up and give 'em a little sugar.

But I digress. So yah, the sleeve gastric bypass. Gonna do it. "What it the hell is a sleeve gastrectomy?!" you might ask. Well let me tell you. It's a surgery whereby 85% of your stomach is removed, basically giving your a "sleeve" type stomach the shape of a banana. It's what they call a "restrictive" surgery: it limits the amount of food you can process and doesn't move around or connect any other body parts.

It's great because it removes the portion of the stomach that secretes Ghrelin - a hormone that is responsible for appetite and hunger. I think that they forgot the "m" when they were naming it, 'cause it does seem to me that g[h]remlins are a part of this conspiracy to keep me fat. Little fuckers.

Learn more about the surgery and support forums at There's a lot of cool info there. I also thought this video from the Mayo Clinic was kinda cool:

Transcript: In a sleeve gastrectomy, part of the stomach is separated and removed from the body. The remaining section of the stomach is formed into a tube-like structure. This smaller stomach cannot hold as much food. It also produces less of the appetite-regulating hormone ghrelin, which may lessen your desire to eat. However, sleeve gastrectomy does not affect the absorption of calories and nutrients in the intestines.

So I'm going to let these doctors cut up my body so I won't die early. The scariest part of the whole procedure, though, is having to meet up next week with the nutritionist I lovingly refer to as Lucy Lui. Yes, she's still there!!! And I'm sure she's as terrifying as ever. She's going to be the one who is responsible for my 6-month sentence. Sweet mother of gahd.