Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Yoga for Fat Chicks.

I can't remember if I've written about this before, but one day I'd like to be a badass yoga person (Yogi? Tee hee... eh eh Boo Boo!). I mean come on, check this lady out. Seriously. When I look at this photo I can't help but think that this chick is happy, healthy, and totally centered (not just physically. Heh heh heh.).

I just ordered a few Yoga for Gimpy-Type-People DVDs through the library. I'm getting Yoga: Just My Size With Megan Garcia. I like it 'cause there's a fluffy gal on the cover. You can't go wrong with that. I also got a couple by Peggy Cappy. She does a lot of videos for the less physically inclined.

Oh crap, I found more Yoga for ladies with curves on this site: http://www.fitandfat.info/plussizeyoga.htm. If you're super gimpy, I highly recommend the "Chair Dancing" series, such as the Chair Yoga. You are probably thinking that you can't get much of a workout if you're chair-bound, but this stuff will get you sweating!!!

I can't wait till the videos come in. Well, yes I can. I'm excited about the idea of me doing yoga, but if you said, "Hey FBC, I've got a fabulous easy peasy yoga video right here in my hot little hands." I'd probably throw something at you and hobble away as fast as my wee chubby legs could take me.

My goal is to go from this --> to the photo on top.