Monday, January 13, 2014

Vintage Trouble.

I was just watching Hulu and this Honda commercial for the new Civic just came on. There's nothing too spectacular about the commercial in general, except for the band that plays the background song. They're called Vintage Trouble and first off, they're just cool looking. See for yourselves, take a look over there -->

Amirite?! Like they're the type of people that you want to be friends with, the kind who would give you major hipster street cred. So the commercial starts out with Ty Taylor (as I now know, since I've been doing a little behind the scenes stalking), chill'n on a stool while growling, "Today... the world is pretty sad." I dunno, there's just something about him and his voice that's just so cool.

"Today is Pretty Great"

He reminds me a lot of Al Green and a better Lenny Kravitz. I grew up listening to Motown and Ty Taylor sounds like he came from that era. Here they are playing live for a radio station.

See what I mean?

What does this have to do with losing weight or lupus? Nothing. But this is my blog and you're not the boss of me or my body.